The City of Clearwater selected Wannemacher Jensen for the architectural and engineering design services to…
AmandaAugust 27, 2020

Congratulations to WJA’s Project Architect and Operations Manager Lindsay Evans, AIA on her feature as…
AmandaJuly 31, 2020

The City of Treasure Island Commissioners unanimously voted to award the design services to Wannemacher…
AmandaMay 16, 2020

On Thursday, November 7th, Wannemacher Jensen Architects received two Merit Awards for Architecture. Fire Station…
Kyle MercerNovember 7, 2019

This month, the team of Heneghan Peng Architects, Wannemacher Jensen Architects, Gustafson Porter+Bowman, Sven Anderson,…
Kyle MercerOctober 10, 2019

In a recent article, 83 Degrees featured St Pete's Woodson Museum, a concept and vision…
Kyle MercerOctober 1, 2019

Earlier this week the WJ family celebrated the ground breaking for The Mirror, mixed-use development…
Kyle MercerJune 7, 2019